After School Activities

At AISC, after school activities are designed to enhance our students’ interests and to support a holistic educational experience. AISC organizes a fall, winter and spring session. Each session is 10 weeks long. All AISC teachers and selected outside qualified instructors run the after-school programs. The after-school clubs, teams and programs are free of charge to parents. More than 80% of AISC students participate in more than
50 unique offerings per session. Make the most of your experience at AISC and sign up today!

Elementary After School Activities


Middle & High School After School Activities

Service Learning Activities

At AISC we teach social responsibility through our curriculum. Grade level projects from Kindergarten to Grade 12 are designed by students and teachers throughout the academic year. Each grade researches a topic that originates from a need in the community. Students create an action-related response to the identified need. Our students partner with outside organizations and institutions, raise necessary funds for charities, and develop and generate new ideas that lead to bettering elements of the society. Our IB students are active in their CAS programs and volunteer both locally and globally. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi



Service Learning Activities

Athletic Activities

AISC belongs to the CEESA organization of international schools, and local private school and Pan Cyprian athletic organizations. AISC athletes compete both locally and in Central Europe throughout the school in a wide variety of events. AISC families host students from other like schools from across the CEESA Association of Schools, and when our students travel internationally, they stay with other international students from other schools. Join our athletic teams today!


Fine Arts Activities

Fine Arts students can get involved in visual arts, theatre arts and the performing arts at AISC! From drama productions, to visual arts exhibits to musicals, concerts, and performances, there is an opportunity for all members of the community get involved! AISC also organizes the best island-wide private music school within the walls of AISC. In the AISC private music program, professional orchestra members come in the afternoons to teach our students in a top notch instrumental program. AISC is also an examination center for the Royal Academic of Music, UK.


Information Technology/ STEM Activities

Rich robotics and science, technology, engineering and mathematics activities are alive and threaded through the curriculum at AISC. Students also have the opportunity to learn computer programming and use Alice, Scratch, Kodu, Game Maker, Microsoft XNA!






Cultural Heritage Activities

Every year AISC adopts a cultural heritage site in Cyprus. All students and teachers K-12 explore the site, and participate in interdisciplinary field trip and field work activities designed by their teachers. In the second year of the adoption, students determine how they can help the site through related service learning projects in various ways. In the past, students developed an outside education center for the Neolithic site at Khirokitia. Exploring, understanding and contributing to cultural heritage in Cyprus is a whole school initiative and a springboard for learning how to be internationally-minded.
