At AISC we combine “student learning” with
meaningful “community service initiatives” to create Service Learning Projects at each grade level. We believe in providing students with rich opportunities so they may learn how to enhance their community through projects that contribute to the well-being of others.Some examples of service learning projects and partnerships at AISC

Kindergarten 3 year olds; 4 year olds; and 5 year olds work “hand in hand” with Hope for Children making organic soap. Once the soap was made, students came up with their own special design, wrapped it up and sold to the community. The students used all the proceeds to purchase commercial soap, deodorant, lotions, etc. for the refugee children in the shelter at Hope for Children’s Refugee Centre in Nicosia.

Grade 1 students designed an artistic representation of a child’s outline with various cloths glued all over it depicting what children need to stay warm and dry. The children in Grade 1 will be running a “gently-used” clothing drive to donate to children in need through the Hope for Children-AISC partnership.

Grade 2 students are active with their Movember Project focusing on children’s health. Money being raised through a series of activities throughout November will be donated to the Makarios Children’s Hospital for children fighting with leukemia.

Grade 3 students designed a toy drive campaign during the holiday season to help support a children’s organization. Grade 3 students visit Makarios Hospital to deliver the toys to the children!

Grades 6,7,8 designed a water project. The Middle School students taught the elementary students about water quality, conservation, and recycling awareness.

Grades 11-12 students, through Adopt a Family, sponsored local families in need providing fundraising and much needed resources, as well as volunteering their time with projects around the sponsored family home
Other AISC-Student Service Learning Partnerships:
- Cans for Kids
- Nicosia Red Cross
- Alkyondies
- Nicosia Dog Shelter
- Strovolos Park Clean Up
- Zero Waste E-Recycling
- 30 Hour Famine Fundraiser
- CYMEPA Beach Clean Up Program
- UNICEF Support
- Children & Parents of Young People with Heart Disease
- UN Hope for Children Organization
- Cyprus Forestry Department – tree planting
- Makarios Hospital Paiting Projects
- Caritas Cyprus
- Night without Lights
- BirdLife Cyprus