Low Teacher-Student Ratio

AISC has an overall student/teacher ratio of 7:1! With a high number of staff and services, AISC students’ needs are well taken care of.


Free After School Tutorials

AISC provides a full-day academic program and teachers work with their students in after-school tutorials as a natural extension to the day to revisit concepts, or practice skills. This service is free of charge to parents. AISC believes in supporting all learners so they may reach their full potential and ensures tutoring is the responsibility of the teacher and students. Parents are not asked, nor expected, to hire outside tutors to support their children at home.

Guidance and Counseling

AISC has two full time Counselors, one for the Elementary School and one for the Middle and High School. Both Counselor support students in their personal social-emotional growth, mindfulness, organizational skills, character education and conflict resolution. Our high school university and career program takes care of students’ university applications A-Z! Parents do not need to worry about outside counseling consultants, as AISC provides a full service from exploring different career paths and fields of study, to helping students with their personal statements and then choosing and applying to the right university – the entire university application process happens at AISC.

Counseling Services

University Guidance Services

SAT College Board Testing Centre

AISC is an official testing center for the SAT in Cyprus.

SAT Assessment Centre


AISC employs a full-time certified Nurse in its school. The Nurse is the Health and Safety Officer and is the community liaison officer for matters relating to child protection. The School Nurse provides a number of health services, such as maintaining vaccination records for students, measuring height and weight, conducting eye screening examinations and brining in experts to conduct early screening related to speech and language. Our Nurse also invites pediatric dentists to visit the school to conduct checks, organizes the School’s Healthy Living Activities, and ensures the cafeteria menus are balanced and nutritious. Our Nurse is a wealth of information to our families and consults on a variety of matters.

Resources and Text books

AISC provides students all textbooks and academic resources as part of its tuition. Students are issued their textbooks, or e-books and online credentials at the start of the academic year. It is the students’ and family’s responsibility to return them in good order. In the Elementary, a number of consumable workbooks are also issued for students each year.


AISC believes in strong school-home communication and uses a variety of ways to communication such as the ALMA Student Information System, IB’s Managebac and the weekly Islander Newsletter. All students are issued a Microsoft 365 account, and taught how to use its features so they may store their work, collaborate with others, connect and communicate.


AISC provides a morning and afternoon bus service within various regions of Nicosia. AISC has two afternoon school bus schedules to support its tutoring and activities programs: 3:15 and 4:15. For more information about how to have your child bussed to and from school contact avasiliou@aisc.ac.cy

Cafeteria – ONE WORLD CAFÉ

Caffeteria_wall sticker_outline

Welcome to the One World Café where Nicos our Chef creates warm, home-made, cooked meals for all of our students from 3 years old to our Seniors. All of our baked goods are freshly made on the premises and all of our meals include fresh salads and fruits. In good Cypriot, Mediterranean tradition, legumes and pulses are a part of every lunch and in the winters, the soups are a welcome addition! Students may choose from veggie and dip snacks to home-made aisc-cafeteriaburgers, to salads and wraps – all waiting to be gobbled up so they may be re-energized throughout the day!